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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How does Thermomix help to reduce arsenic and starch in rice

大家应该没想到米也是癌症的帮凶! 盟友们,你们做了明智的选择。
Thermomix 万岁!


我为自己的这个决定觉得骄傲了! 我选择是对的,为家人换来健康优质的生活。
Thermomix 美善品万能机太美妙了。

Gosh! Rice could be cancerous! 

All Thermist, you have made the greatest choice of all! 
Best is we have TM5 to help us spin and wash the rice thoroughly without wasting the water, this can rinse away arsenic in the rice. Second is we can cook healthy rice, as starch remains in the TM bowl!
I am so proud of myself! I have made the right choice to give my family a good and healthy lifestyle. 
What can compare to health? Fame? Money? Wisdom?
Awesome Thermomix! 
You knew that TM5 is worth the investment of all!

As soon as I posted this in Thermomix Fervent Thermist fanpage, I received a request of asking me to teach her how to cook rice in Thermomix.
I have written another post about it.
How to cook rice in TM?

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

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